Apr 8, 2010

Hertzy Update

G'Day all!
Thought we'd just write a quick update about how things are in Canning Vale!
The sun is shining less often, it rains more and the grass it getting greener!  Autumn is starting to show itself more and more which is a nice change.  Gone are the hot, sweaty days.  And we're enjoying it!

Most of you (who don't live here) have probably heard about the freak storm several weeks ago.  After 3 months of drought the rain came back with a bang!  I was luckily driving home just before it hit our neighbourhood, in fact, the dark clouds were chasing me and I caught the first little bit of drizzle as I pulled into the driveway.  Neil wasn't as lucky and walked (or ran probably) home from the bus stop in the pouring rain.  At 5.30pm the garden was flooding, the power got cut off and there was no mobile reception.  We made dinner (we luckily have a gas oven), pulled out the candles, games and a book and settled in for the evening at the dining room table.  It was a really enjoyable evening in, we had an early night and didn't find out about the extend of the storm until the power was back on at 9am the following morning. This is obviously our side of the story, but I've heard too many stories of people's car's being damaged by the hail and floodings everywhere.  So as you can read we've been more than lucky!

We had a great Easter break.  Neil spend his long weekend as usual at the Science Fiction Convention in the city and I made use of that by having a girls weekend which involved way too much chocolate, wine, good food and a ridiculous amount of movies! 

Now it's back to reality.  The travel agent that I've been working for since December has been taken over by a different company.  Unfortunately for me that means that because of downsizing and restructuring wages and hours my contract will not be renewed.  My last day will be on the 28th of April, so as you can imagen I am quite busy with job-hunting at the moment.
On the 30th of April I will be going to the Netherlands for 3 weeks, which I am really looking forward to. And hopefully after that I will be able to start a new job.  Fingers crossed!!

This was in short what we're up to at the moment!!!
We hope everyone is doing well!

Love Ivette and Neil